These days you can shop for anything you want or need on the internet. Oftentimes you can have your item before the day is complete. If you prefer to shop in person, a lot of times you’re doing it at a big box store like Walmart or Target. If neither of those experiences is scratching your shopping itch in the way that you want, perhaps you’re in need of a blast from the long-ago past. In the early 20th century, shopping was a more wholesome experience in quant stores like 1904 General Store, located in Alton, Illinois.
1904 General Store was inspired by the 1904 World's Fair, which took place in St. Louis. The old building boasts beautiful stained glass windows which makes the inside view just as nice as the view from the street.
The store is located in downtown Alton, a small town on the Mississippi River, bordering Missouri. This town boasts a ton of history, especially in relation to the Civil War.