Idaho is slowly but surely gaining more recognition in the national spotlight. That means a ton of out-of-staters are making the Gem State their new home. Idaho is one of the greatest places in the country, so we know why so many people want to live here. However, although Idaho is made up of many diverse types of people, imposters always stick out like a sore thumb. Here are ten foolproof ways of telling whether or not someone is a true Idahoan…or an imposter!
1. They don't describe themselves as an "outdoorsy" type of person.
Idaho is like a massive playground. With so many mountains, lakes, hot springs, and rivers to could you not want to spend time in the outdoors? Even if you don't describe yourself as an outdoor enthusiast, all Idahoans have a deep appreciation for the immense amount of natural beauty to be found in our state!
2. They don't greet you when they make eye contact...or say "please," "thank you," or "excuse me."
Idahoans are nice. The first thing that many out-of-staters remark on is just how polite and friendly everybody in our state is. We take pride in the fact that we treat one another with respect, even if that means just giving a quick "hello" to a stranger we see walking down the street.
3. They're surprised when they first experience a true Idaho winter.
It isn't an Idaho winter without lots and lots of snow! The immense amount of snow is what makes our state a skier or snowboarder's haven. The snow and frigid temperatures are something that Idahoans expect every year, but may come as a shock to non-Idahoans.
4. They don't expect the weather to change all that much in the course of a day.
The unpredictability of Idaho's weather is the only predictable thing in our state. True Idahoans are prepared for any change of weather at any time. We're used to seeing sunny skies turn into a swarm of gloomy rain clouds within mere minutes! It's something we've become used to, but imposters will find confusing.
One of the best ways of spotting a non-Idahoan is by their pure bewilderment at the concept of fry sauce. As Idahoans, we realize one of the best ways of eating fries is with the delicious combination of ketchup and mayonnaise that is fry sauce. It's the only condiment to eat fries with here in Idaho.
If they stumble when trying to pronounce Coeur d'Alene, Kooskia, Owyhee, Kootenai, or even Boise...then they definitely aren't from around here. Don't worry, Idahoans will be quick to politely correct your pronunciation!
7. They are shocked when they find out that our state isn't comprised entirely of desert.
Idaho is so much more than vast, arid desert. In fact, our state is comprised of a variety of diverse landscapes. Idaho is so much more than the initial desert image that first comes to people's minds when they think of our state.
8. They don't believe Idaho has any beaches or swimming spots.
Idaho may be landlocked, but that doesn't mean we don't have hundreds of "beaches" to hang out on during a hot summer day! Who needs oceans when there are a countless number of lakes that are perfect for splashing around on? True Idahoans don't have any trouble finding a place in our state to indulge in classic water activities.
9. They don't really know what Rocky Mountain Oysters are.
Rocky Mountain Oysters are a unique delicacy in our state. Some people love them, other people hate them. If you don't know what they are, then you probably aren't from Idaho.
10. They are indifferent when asked to choose between Broncos or Vandals.
Even if you don't have a huge passion for sports, every Idahoan knows about the intense rivalry between the Boise State Broncos and the University of Idaho Vandals. Whichever team's side you're on, you'll defend it to the death!