There’s a good reason so many Idahoans are also enthusiastic hikers. Not only is our state home to a plethora of great hiking trails, but hiking itself can feel like an escape from the madness into the beauty of the natural world. No matter what you have going on in your life, a good hike can always bring peace and joy. The secluded and delightfully gorgeous Lone Lake Trail is just one example of the quiet adventures that await you in the Gem State. The next time you need an escape, be sure to check it out.
Hiding in the Bitterroot Mountains near the Idaho-Montana border is the gorgeous and hidden Lone Lake. Visiting this beautiful alpine lake is the perfect adventure when you're in need of some quality time with Mother Nature, and you'll definitely want to add it to your hiking bucket list.
Located within the pristine backcountry of North Idaho's panhandle, the trailhead actually isn't too hard to find. You can get there by taking I-90 east from Mullan and getting off at Exit 69. Turn left from the exit before turning right onto Friday Ave. Bear right onto Willow Creek Road which will take you directly to the trailhead.
Once you arrive at the parking lot, you should easily be able to spot the trailhead. It starts off on an old roadbed that was once used for timber and mining purposes. The Lone Lake Trail shares a trailhead with Stevens Lakes trailhead, so be sure to keep right to head to Lone Lake.
The beginning of the trail leads you through dense thickets of trees, but it isn't long before the view opens up to beautiful vistas of Willow Creek Valley. The scenery is absolutely stunning, so be sure to take time to soak up the views!
There's also a cascading waterfall that can be found along the trail just before you make the final climb towards the lake. At 4.6-miles out-and-back, this trail will take a few hours, but every step is worth it once you see the incredible Lone Lake hidden within the trees.
Lone Lake is a shining example of the gems that are hiding within the majestic Bitterroot Mountains. Boasting crystal clear water, Stevens Peak towering in the background, and endless mountain scenery, you'll find yourself fully immersed by the lake's unending natural beauty.
We consider ourselves incredibly lucky to live in a state that's rich with secluded hiking trails like this one. Forget about the world and all of your worries and set off on the Lone Lake Trail the next time you need a break!