If you’ve ever watched or envisioned those dreamy, slow-motion scenes of running through a field of tall wildflowers with your hair flowing freely in the breeze, you know that such carefree moments take you back to the simpler times of Little House on the Prairie and the freedom of childhood. Along with our many other regional wonders Idaho is full of lush meadows, prairies, and grasslands that seem to be straight out of this classic dream-sequence. One particular meadow, however, is something truly special: the Curlew National Grassland.
Southern Idaho is far too underrated for its rural beauty, but I happen to think it’s absolutely lovely! You can find the Curlew National Grassland off of ID-38 after the Holbrook intersection. While you’re here, be sure to take advantage of the peaceful camping spaces, check out the nearby Stone Reservoir, or explore the wonderful overlooked opportunities that make up the Idaho-Utah border.