It takes all types to make a state thrive, but it’s time to let the stereotypes abound! Idaho is full of unique characters, often distinguished by their habits, location, or fashion preferences…for better or worse, depending on your individual perspective. Whether you’re new to Idaho or a lifetime resident, odds are you’ll meet (or already have met) one or more of these people or personality types. All in good, facetious fun, let’s take a look at our fellow Idahoans, shall we?
1. The Hipster
Those crazy young'uns with their skinny jeans and trendy beards and organic coffees... you know who you are. Hipsters mostly congregate in Boise and on our college campuses, but you'll also find them up north, trickling across the border from Spokane.
2. The Dedicated 2nd Ammendmenters
Idaho has always held a reputation for being a gun-friendly state. Whether for hunting or just shooting cans, there's no doubt that many Idahoans are passionate about their firepower.
3. The Meat-a-tarians
Idaho is a land of carnivores, a fact bred into us by years of cattle ranching, sheep-herding, and game hunting. We want our meat served with a side of meat, and ideally so fresh that it was grazing this morning.
4. The U of I Fan
Vandals have some serious pride and party knowhow, often fueled by "liquid courage," if recent surveys are any indication. It's not unusual to find cars up north covered in black and gold "I" stickers.
5. The Boise State Fan
A proud tradition of winning and undefeated seasons, the best field on this side of anywhere, and a knack for making the ground shake with Bronco enthusiasm, BSU fans are equally down to earth and intense about their team. Get them started, and an hour later they'll still be talking about last night's game.
6. The Farmer
Hard-working, passionate about the land and its harvest, and often coming from a long line of Idaho natives, farmers are Idaho's lifeblood and foundation for the economy.
7. The Outdoors(wo)man
Hiking, biking, climbing, extreme volcanic rim camping, ice surfing... whatever crazy, adrenaline-pumping outdoor sport you can think of, they're on it. Whatever extreme terrain there is that needs to be dominated, they've already done it five times. They have so many photos on Facebook that you wonder what their actual job is some days.
8. The Boise Urbanite
The Boise Urbanite is a unique species in Idaho. Part hipster, part outdoorsy, the Boiseean knows they're out of touch with the rest of Idaho... but every trip up to Table Rock or to McCall makes them feel like they're roughing it.
9. The Redneck
Loud, fearless, and always filled with stories that start with "Hold my beer," these quintessential Idahoans are recognizable by their rusty pickups, creative duct tape engineering solutions, and tattered clothing. Too hot? Just rip the sleeves off your shirt!
10. The Cowboy
Wranglers? Check. Button-up shirt? Check. Broken in cowboy hat? Of course. Perhaps the most diverse stereotype on this list, cowboys (or girls) can either be the early-stage farmer or the rodeo-lover. If they're not riding bulls themselves, they're supporting a friend who is. They're young, carefree, and determined to make that 8-second mark.
11. The Northerners
The Panhandle is beautiful, but completely distinct from Southern Idaho. Two different worlds means the people have their own regional traits as well. Northerners are water and beach-lovers for sure, and uniquely proud of not being affiliated with the deserts of Southern Idaho, while also fiercely protective of their beloved lifestyle.
12. The "Debbie Downer"
We all know someone like this. The person who doesn't fit any of the other categories and doesn't even really seem to like Idaho... "It's so BORING here!" Yet, they still stick around.
13. The Isolationists
Isolationists have perfected the art of survival in any number of Idaho's one-horse towns where the sagebrush population in their front yard is greater than the number of residents by a long shot. They love it, though.
14. The Utahoans
Smack in the border region, Utahoans get a bad rap from both sides of the state line and are never quite sure where to belong. They've adopted certain Utah characteristics unintentionally, but feel Idahoan at heart. The struggle is real.
15. The Normal Ones
You don't fit any of the other categories, do you? Or maybe you fit them all. Everyone else is weird except for you, right? Why are you pointing that camera at me? I'm just sitting here!
Which type of personality do you consider yourself? Which ones did would you add? No matter who you are, we’re all Idahoans!
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