Over the years Idaho has seen dozens of parks, restaurants, and vintage icons sadly pass on for a variety of reasons. Financial troubles, competition, and the struggles of modern marketing can all take their toll on a business and cause them to close their doors for good, despite the best efforts of loyal customers and patrons. These nostalgic places may no longer be around in Idaho, but are still alive and well in our hearts.
Formerly a local watering hole, and before that a vintage ice cream parlor, this old "Pullman car" was formerly one of the longest-running businesses in Boise.
This Idaho landmark was a throwback to Willy Wonka-style candy nirvana for locals. Candies, toffees, and sweet treats of every kind filled the shop to be bought by the pound, but sadly saw its last days in 2005.
There are precious few burger joints in Idaho that rise above the standard drive-in diner, but Grind Modern Burger in downtown Boise was a true gem for unique and gourmet burgers until its closing this year.
Once a thriving, family-owned water park, Wild Waters in Coeur d'Alene shut down admission in 2010 after years of financial and competitive difficulties. Today, the remnants of the park stand abandoned and deteriorating.
This retro arcade just outside downtown Lewiston was surprisingly short-lived. But at only .25 per game on vintage games like Pac-Man and Mortal Kombat, the closing of this nostalgic icon in 2009 was sorely missed.
Of course we had to include this chain on our list! The iconic Blockbuster logo is now a haunting symbol of the rise and fall of changing technology. The few stores that remain are mere shells that stand as gutted reminders of this video store's former glory.
This old-time mercantile shop just outside Caldwell played a vital role in the area's development over the course of nearly a century, until -- like so many other historic general stores and businesses across the state -- it finally closed its doors in 2005.
A scenic ride through the countryside on this western classic was once on every Idahoan's bucket list. Unfrotunately, the company, which has operated since 2001, suspended operations just this year due to a variety of economic factors.