Stargazing opportunities are fantastic here in the Gem State considering we’re home to some of the darkest skies in the country. If you have yet to take advantage of our state’s world-famous dark skies, then consider it high time. After all, Comet Swan is expected to be visible to the naked eye in mid-May and it makes for an excellent excuse to get out there and do some stargazing. This super bright comet was discovered in late March and it may already be visible across especially dark skies, so be sure to check it out soon—before it’s too late!
A new comet called C/2020 F8 (SWAN), or Comet Swan, was discovered just last March and you can see it blazing across the night sky in the upcoming days. It's looking to be an especially bright comet, so you'll want to be sure to catch it before it goes away!
Earlier this year, stargazers across the world were excited to witness Comet Atlas make an appearance. However, it broke up and fizzled out before many could see it. Now there's a new comet in town, and visibility for it is looking good.
Comet Swan was discovered through images taken by the Solar Heliospheric Observer spacecraft on March 25, 2020. It was named after the camera aboard the spacecraft that took the photos, called the SWAN camera.
Comet Swan will come closest to Earth on May 13, so consider this the absolute best time to see it. However, the comet is already bright and is expected to continue brightening until the last week of May.
As always, it's best to pick out a stargazing spot that lacks artificial light. A rural area far from city lights is preferred, but you should still be able to see the comet from your own backyard—no special equipment necessary. There are even online tools, like TheSkyLive, that can tell you exactly where to find Comet Swan in the sky.
Comets typically appear with a greenish tint and a long blue tail and they make for a spectacular nighttime sight. Whereas asteroids are made mostly of rock, comets are actually made up of mostly ice which causes their green hue.
Comet Swan has definitely stirred up some excitement among astronomy enthusiasts and it's even being called the "best naked eye comet of 2020", so definitely try to see it for yourself as it blazes across the night sky this month.