It’s always exciting to see that a new comet has been discovered! A recently-discovered comet called Comet NEOWISE is currently visible and will stay that way for just a few weeks, so you’ll want to be sure to catch it soon. Considering we have access to one of the darkest night skies in the nation, it shouldn’t be too hard to spot this brilliant comet as it blazes across the sky. Have some free time in the upcoming days? Get out there and see if you can spot this celestial event with your own eyes.
Want to witness something truly unique in the Gem State's night skies? Make it your goal to catch the newly-discovered Comet NEOWISE as it blazes across the stark black sky. Hurry though! Time is limited.
Comet C/2020 F3 was officially discovered on March 27, 2020 by a NASA space telescope called Near Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE.) Comets are typically named after who (or what) discovers them, so the new comet is known as Comet NEOWISE.
On July 3, Comet NEOWISE passed the point where it would be closest to the sun, just about 26.7 million miles away from the sun itself. Now it continues moving away from the sun and will begin to fade, but don't worry. That fade should be slow since it is now coming toward Earth.
In fact, the Comet NEOWISE has surprised many observers with just how bright it appears. Astronomer Daniel Green expects the comet will be brightest, or "first magnitude", through July 11, "second magnitude" from July 12 through July 17, and third magnitude from July 18 through July 22.
Right now, the comet is only visible during the early dawn hours, but that will soon change. However, from July 11 through July 13, you're best bet will be to look for Comet NEOWISE about 80 minutes before sunrise.
Morning visibility will soon diminish and you'll instead be able to spot Comet NEOWISE during the evening hours. Experts believe that evening viewing will begin on July 12 about 80 minutes after sunset. That's a prime viewing time, if you ask us!
Of course, you always want to seek out the best conditions possible for nighttime viewing. Clouds, smoke, and fog can all have a huge impact on viewing conditions, so be sure to plan ahead of time where you'll try to spot Comet NEOWISE.