Spend A Chilly Weekend On This Winter Road Trip In Idaho
By Courtnie Erickson|Published December 18, 2021
Courtnie Erickson
From Southern Utah to the Panhandle in Idaho, Courtnie Erickson has lived in what she believes are the best (and the most beautiful!) areas in the country. She graduated with a journalism degree from Utah State University and has more than 15 years of professional writing experience. You’ll likely see her with a Dr. Pepper in her hand and a pair of running shoes on her feet. Courtnie is a writer and editor at OnlyInYourState.
Winter in Idaho is one cold and chilly experience. Fortunately, you don’t have to stay cooped up during these colder months of the year. There are still many incredible places to stay, things to do, and food to eat despite the weather outside. To give you a few ideas, we’ve put together this winter road trip in Idaho that is perfect for a chilly weekend.
This road trip is just over 5.5 hours of drive time between all of the stops, so it will take you all weekend to complete. Check out this interactive map that will let you customize your road trip according to your own specific starting and ending locations.
What do you think about this winter road trip in Idaho? Are there any destinations you would add to this trip? Let us and your fellow road trip travelers know in the comments!
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