Throughout the year at Idaho Only, we talk a lot about water – where to find it, how to play in it, how to dine near it, and even how beautiful it is just glimmering in our lakes and rivers. This particular lake is an incredibly special destination, however. Often referred to as the “Caribbean of the Rockies,” Bear Lake is a unique getaway that houses much more than meets the eye as well as the absolute bluest water in Idaho. Perfect for picnicking, sunset catching, photography, and so much more, let’s explore this overlooked gem, shall we?
Glittering like a sapphire, Bear Lake in Southeast Idaho is a uniquely stunning lake that is shared by Idaho and Utah.
Encompassing just over 100 square miles, this vibrant body of water is also uniquely situated on a fault line that is progressively making the lake deeper.
While waterfowl and fish may make up the majority of the wildlife you'll see here, Bear Lake is also said to be home to a water monster.
The legend of the Bear Lake monster originally grew from articles written in the 20th century by Joseph C. Rich, a Mormon colonizer who recorded second-hand accounts of sightings of the creature. This monster has no official name, other than the "water devil," and the creature's personality varies depending on who is telling the tale.
The intense aquamarine color of the lake is caused by the lake's high mineral content.
Specifically, limestone deposits that literally sparkle in the sun. The extra-high limestone levels allowed hundreds of rare and unique species of wildlife to flourish here until the late 20th century.
The sandy shoreline alternates between a beachy haven and a soft marshland, depending on the season.