Hiding at the top of Moscow Mountain in North Idaho is a grove of ancient and absolutely beautiful cedar trees. Surprisingly few people know about this magical spot, probably due to it’s location. The trails can be hard to locate and will definitely require the use of a forest service map. However, once you do find this place, you won’t be sorry you made the extra effort. This place is absolutely majestic, and it’s hard to believe it’s been hiding in Idaho all this time.
To find the ancient grove, you'll head to the eastern side of Moscow Mountain near Moscow, Idaho.
Trail #255 is the Hobo Cedar Grove Trail. The loop trail has a very gradual gradient, making it perfect for hikers of all ages and skill levels. There are also many benches along the way to stop, rest, and take in the incredible view off the side of the mountain.
The trail leads you to the Hobo Cedar Grove Botanical Area. This is a 240 acre grove that is full of humongous cedar trees. The coolest thing about these cedars is their age...
Most people probably think they'd have to travel to somewhere like California to see gigantic trees like this. Who knew these cedars were hiding in Idaho's own backyard?
There aren't many cedar groves this old left in the world. Most of them have been destroyed, but the one on top of Moscow Mountain remains. Thankfully.
The first thing that sticks out about the atmosphere is just how serene it is. It's usually never crowded, and it's even likely you'll be the only one in the area.
This is the perfect place to find calm and relaxation in nature. The only sound you'll hear is the rustling of wildlife and the soft rippling of nearby springs.
There's something incredibly humbling about looking up and seeing only the canopies of these majestic trees.
Not to mention the fact that these trees have outlived generations and generations of humans! They were here long before America was even colonized.
The area is well maintained and there is a lot to be explored nearby, including the remains of an old lumber camp! You'll even see remnants of the camp's machinery.
It's crazy that more people don't know about this incredible area. Part of what makes living in Idaho so amazing is stumbling upon these unique hidden treasures that you won't find anywhere else.