You Should Be Careful Near These 12 Dangerous Spots In Hawaii Nature
By Megan Shute|Published October 09, 2015
Megan Shute
With more than 10 years of experience as a professional writer, Megan holds a degree in Mass Media from her home state of Minnesota. After college, she chose to trade in her winter boots for slippahs and moved to the beautiful island of Oahu, where she has been living for more than five years. She lives on the west side but is constantly taking mini-road trips across the island and visits the neighboring islands whenever she can getaway. She loves hiking, snorkeling, locally-grown coffee, and finding the best acai bowl on Oahu.
The Hawaiian Islands are full of natural beauty – but also some grave danger. From dangerous shore break to deadly waterfalls, some of these twelve spots are now closed to the public, others are still popular tourist spots with a bad reputation for danger.
Always remember that when exploring Hawaii’s natural beauty, head warning signs posted near beach access points, and don’t take unnecessary risks. If you’re hiking, be sure to tell someone where you are going and when you plan on being back. Be careful!