10 Amazing Things People In Georgia People Just Cannot Live Without
By Amanda Northern|Published November 20, 2015
Amanda Northern
Amanda Northern is a freelance writer, and creator/virtual assistant of The Proassists. Amanda is a Georgia native, GSU Panther, and blogger. More of her words can be found at amandanorthern.wordpress.com
I have to admit, we all have things here in Georgia that we probably take for granted, such as our great weather, the amazing forests and parks, and how lucky we are to have some of the best collegiate football games of the season take place right here in our state. Just in case you forgot, here are 10 amazing things you probably cannot live without:
With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I’m definitely thinking more and more about what I’m thankful for, and I’m definitely grateful to live in a state as great as Georgia! What are some things about Georgia that you’re grateful for? Tell us in the comments below!
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