The Most Terrifying Ghost Story To Ever Come Out Of Georgia Is Truly Chilling
By Marisa Roman|Published September 20, 2016
Marisa Roman
A New Jersey native with over 15 years of writing experience, Marisa has studied at both New York University and Florida International University. She has lived all over the country, including a decade stint in South Florida. Marisa is well-versed in exploration as she travels a good majority of the year in her self-converted Sprinter van. Her articles have been featured in various notable publications over the years, she has a published collection of short stories, and three completed screenplays under her belt.
Georgia is a beautiful state with which we are constantly amazed and in awe. Most people lend Georgia fame to their delicious agriculture and Southern hospitality. But there is something else Georgia is known for, something many people don’t normally talk about—and that’s ghosts. Georgia is peppered with hauntings and ghost stories throughout the state, it’s hard to keep track. Just visiting Savannah alone will lend to quite a few different stories and sightings. However, there is one story in particular, a terrifying tale that unfortunately is not just fable. This true story right out of our beloved Georgia, is likely to frighten the best of them. This is the true tale of The Surrency Haunting.
The setting is the town of Surrency, Georgia, and the story involves the family for whom the town was named.
They loved their home, they loved their farm, and most of all they loved each other…until things took a turn.
Pretty much out of the blue, random things began to happen around the house—windows slamming shut and flying open right in front of them, doors slamming violently without warning or action.
Every meal the Surrencys ate at their table, would end up in their laps, thrown across the room at the walls, or on the floor. Their utensils weren’t even safe, bending or twisting by an unknown force while in their hands.
The worst of it came at night, when the Surrencys would see pairs of evil, beady red eyes around their property, as if they were being watched each and every time the sun went down.
The family grew weary, losing sleep and no longer eating because of the continuous violence and torment.
Many thought the story, after reported to authorities and locals in the area was exaggerated, that was of course until hundreds of people from all over the world came to the house to experience it themselves.
They each had their theories of how the house came to be possessed; one included the idea that Mr. Surrency worshiped the devil, another suggested that the Surrency family were strongly psychic and the ghosts were simply trying to receive help.
They would take her blankets in the middle of the night, lift her out of bed when she was sleeping, painfully pull her hair at random times, and flip her bed over sideways.
The Surrency family decided enough was enough, and they would leave their beloved farm, however, the ghosts had different plans on that fateful day.
The day their decision was made to move, a fireplace poker was lifted out of its resting place, floated down the hallway, and struck one of the boys on the head repeatedly.
The younger brother helplessly watched, as the poker retreated back it its original place without a peep, leaving the other boy bleeding on the floor.
Soon after that incident, the Surrency family moved and although they still experienced hauntings after they left, it was never as bad, or as violent as it was on the farm.
And as for the haunted ghost vortex they once called home, it ended up burning down in 1925, after being abandoned for years.