You Should Avoid These 7 Most Dangerous Spots In Georgia Nature
By Marisa Roman|Updated on November 22, 2022(Originally published November 21, 2022)
Marisa Roman
A New Jersey native with over 15 years of writing experience, Marisa has studied at both New York University and Florida International University. She has lived all over the country, including a decade stint in South Florida. Marisa is well-versed in exploration as she travels a good majority of the year in her self-converted Sprinter van. Her articles have been featured in various notable publications over the years, she has a published collection of short stories, and three completed screenplays under her belt.
Georgia is a beautiful place. Rollings hills, lush foliage, scenery for days. However, there are a few places that might be a bit hazardous to your health and safety—we’re talking about the most dangerous places in Georgia. As wondrous as the beauty of natural Georgia may be, there are some places that should be mentioned with a warning. Take a look at a few we’ve come up with.
Our list of the most dangerous places in Georgia begins in Lake Country. It's the South, and let's be honest it gets quite muggy out here. This means that bugs have increasingly become an issue. Ticks, fire ants, earwigs, mosquitoes, you name it, they're near. But besides being an absolute nuisance, bugs like ticks can cause some extreme health issues down the road. So beware. Of course, as long as you proceed with caution, you'll find there's a lot to love about Georgia's lakes.
2. Southern Georgia woods and swamps...snakes galore!
Snakes primarily stick to wetter, marshier areas. That's why Southern Georgia tends to have a bit higher snake population than Northern. But be warned, the snakes in Georgia are extremely dangerous and venomous. The six snakes in this state that you need to be on the lookout for whenever you're out in nature are the Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake, the Coral Snake, the Cottonmouth, the Timber Rattlesnake, the Copperhead, and the Pygmy Rattlesnake. Snakes are particularly prominent during the springtime.
3. The beautiful (and slippery) Northern Georgia waterfalls
There are some stunning waterfalls in Northern Georgia, most of which can be seen by accessing a hiking trail. But as majestic as some of these natural beauties may be, they also are quite dangerous. Besides the slippery rocks that many people careen on and off just to get that perfect photo, there also is a danger that comes after high rain. Heavy rains can take a breathtaking waterfall and turn it into a messy, tumultuous—dangerous—overflow. Proceed with caution. That being said, exploring Georgia's waterfalls is also an incredibly rewarding experience.
Unfortunately, Rome, Georgia is on the very high side of the Natural Disaster Index, coming in second in the country. There are three major natural disaster threats that Rome is susceptible to—wildfires, hurricanes, and tornadoes. This makes the city a pretty dangerous place when it comes to nature.
5. The mountains of Central and North Georgia: a scorpion haven
We bet you didn't see this one coming. Scorpions have infiltrated the Georgia mountains. Most notably akin to living in arid and dry areas, scorpions are also known to prefer wetter marshes and rainforest landscapes. This makes them extremely adaptable creatures. But take heed, scorpions are highly dangerous. The venom from their sting has resulted in human fatalities.
Georgia has its own Little Shop of Horrors. The Okefenokee Swamp has such an incredible mixture of plant species and wildlife. But the low-nutrient, acidic conditions of the swamp have made it an ideal habitat for carnivorous plants! These plants have been know to attract, capture, and digest animals to compensate for the lack of nutrients they receive from the water and soil. Learn more about the iconic Okefenokee Swamp.
The area that roughly connects Columbus, Macon, and Augusta is teeming with alligators. We're talking upwards of 200,000. They normally prefer wetland habitats and can be found in marshes, rivers, and the like, but at times have been known to frequent roadways, swimming pools and golf course ponds. Although there have been zero human fatalities, there have been a handful of reported attacks on humans. So make sure to tread lightly out there. Alligators are something that Georgians should avoid at all costs.
Have we completely freaked you out yet? We hope not! The state of Georgia is absolutely stunning, and although there are a few spots in nature to be concerned with, it’s not worth missing out on all the beauty. Just make sure you’re careful and cautious when exploring the most dangerous places in Georgia. Do you have any experience with these dangerous places in Georgia? We’re curious! Let us know in the comment section.
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