13 Things Georgians Do That Seem Insane To Everyone Else
By Marisa Roman|Published March 18, 2017
Marisa Roman
A New Jersey native with over 15 years of writing experience, Marisa has studied at both New York University and Florida International University. She has lived all over the country, including a decade stint in South Florida. Marisa is well-versed in exploration as she travels a good majority of the year in her self-converted Sprinter van. Her articles have been featured in various notable publications over the years, she has a published collection of short stories, and three completed screenplays under her belt.
Georgians are pretty interesting people. There are certain things that Georgians do that may seem….odd to anyone with an outside perspective. Whether it be due to circumstance or just how they were raised, Georgians sure are a unique bunch. So before you judge ’em, try to understand ’em. Because all those things they do that may seem crazy to you, might just be perfectly normally to them. Like these few things…
1. Shut down everything for just a few snow flurries.
We get it, maybe you’re used to heavy snowfall and still trekking your way to the grocery store. The problem though, is that one storm many years ago, left Georgia in shambles, especially when they didn’t have the infrastructure or budget for snow plows the way some states with normal snowfall have. So before you judge, understand that it’s better to be safe than sorry, right?
The thing is, Coke is a universal term. Coca-Cola was invented in Georgia and people were raised on it. That’s why when somebody asks you what kind of Coke you want at a restaurant, it really is all encompassing.
3. Know the different between all "Peachtree" Streets.
Did you know there are more than 55 streets in Atlanta that have the name "Peachtree" in it? It probably seems confusing to you, and maybe slightly insane that Georgians know the different between nearly all of them.
Sure some Georgians tend to use the more modern term of "shopping cart", there are still those old school Georgians that prefer to call those grocery shopping wagons a "buggy".
Look, Georgians are well aware of the lack of health benefits that come from deep frying vegetables. So while all you non-Georgians raise your nose to the idea, you’re missing out on a few things including the fact it is dang tasty when you deep fry it, and it also is a part of Georgians culture and heritage in terms of good homestyle cooking.
Many people choose to jump ship when they’re team has a losing record, or turn the TV off when there isn't a chance of a comeback. But for Georgians? They are loyal through-and-through. It’s not about the wins and losses, but about being there for your team each and every season.
For most states, it’s just common to constantly complain about the heat. But for Georgians, they knew exactly what they got into by moving here or by being raised here, so they know the heat is there to stay and there isn’t anything they can do about it.
Sure, Washington D.C. honors past presidents and revolutionaries, and while Georgia has some of that going on too, Georgians also like honoring their agriculture with big statues. There are not one but TWO giant peanuts in Georgia. Take that Washington!
9. Listen to the weather forecast before choosing an outfit.
Georgians know that their weather is temperamental. One day it’s snowing, the next day their AC is on. Temperatures and weather change with little to know warning, that’s why Georgians follow the weather forecast pretty much religiously.
Georgians have a cuisine of their own: Southern. That’s why you will find some of THE best fried chicken in country right here in Georgia. Georgians dig their fried chicken, and eat it so often, it’s practically it’s own food group.
Each year in Tallapoosa, Georgia one of the biggest events revolves around a stuffed possum dropping from the sky in a big ol’ ball of lights to ring in the New Year.
Care to share any more thoughts of your own? What are some things you do that may seem crazy to out-of-state relatives and friends?!