One Of The Oldest And Most Historic Spots In Georgia Is Also Hauntingly Beautiful
By Marisa Roman|Published September 10, 2017
Marisa Roman
A New Jersey native with over 15 years of writing experience, Marisa has studied at both New York University and Florida International University. She has lived all over the country, including a decade stint in South Florida. Marisa is well-versed in exploration as she travels a good majority of the year in her self-converted Sprinter van. Her articles have been featured in various notable publications over the years, she has a published collection of short stories, and three completed screenplays under her belt.
If there is one thing Georgians love, it is reflecting on the history of their great state with pride. There are so many incredible things to see and learn about within the boundaries of Georgia, it’s hard to do if you’re visiting for just a quick trip. Yet for those of you who are planning to visit the coast, then you must add this old, historic spot to your to-do list, because it is hauntingly beautiful.
Welcome to the oldest English fort left on the Georgia coast…Fort King George.
Not only did the fort find disease knocking at its door, but also the threat of Indian and Spanish attacks, not to mention the unfamiliar coastal climate.
Using old drawings, records and historical accounts, Fort King Georgia has been rebuilt, fit with a museum, original officers’ quarters, barracks, front-line cannons, a moat and a blockhouse to name a few.