12 Things You'll Only Understand If You Grew Up Near The Beach
By Marisa Roman|Published February 04, 2018
Marisa Roman
A New Jersey native with over 15 years of writing experience, Marisa has studied at both New York University and Florida International University. She has lived all over the country, including a decade stint in South Florida. Marisa is well-versed in exploration as she travels a good majority of the year in her self-converted Sprinter van. Her articles have been featured in various notable publications over the years, she has a published collection of short stories, and three completed screenplays under her belt.
By living in Florida, you’re pretty much always within driving distance to the beach. Which is pretty darn cool, if you ask us. Whether you’re by the panhandle, on the Gulf side, or over by the Atlanta, the beach is just a hop, skip, and a jump away. For those Floridians who grew up right on the beach or very close, however, there are a few things that only you will understand. Take a look.
It doesn’t matter the season when you live in Florida by the beach. Winter, spring, summer, and fall. The beach is always there and always enjoyable no matter the temps.
2. You’ve found that a lot of life’s problems can be assessed or solved by looking out at those rolling waves.
Peace and quiet, plus serenity in abundance. Sometimes just a trip to the beach, listening to the roll of the waves, the squawk of floating gulls, and the gentle breeze can make some of the biggest problems seem insignificant.
Whether it’s a stroll through the sand, getting some sun, having a picnic or just watching the Super Moon crescendo into the night sky, there is always something to do when you live by the beach.
4. You know what fresh seafood tastes like and you won’t settle for anything less.
Being so close to the beach means that seafood should always be fresh. You know the hotspots in town where to chow down and have it be nothing short of spectacular.
Seriously. Being by the beach means endless opportunities to look out on the water and see for miles. No matter how many time you view it, it’s always like the first time.
Sand inserts itself into your life and you’ve accepted it. In fact, you’ve welcomed it into your home on more than one occasion and at times think you probably could start your own beach with how much came back with you.
9. Your tan always lasts a bit longer than others.
Living by the beach year-round in Florida means that your get sun pretty much wherever you go, and it’s stronger than anywhere else. Your tan seems to have become a part of your life indefinitely, despite the layers of sunscreen.
10. The smell and the sounds of the beach will always bring you back.
The salty air, the slight tinge of seaweed, sweet sunscreen and the rumble of the waves. It all takes you back and makes you appreciate where you live.
11. You’ve probably worn a swimsuit as your regular clothes once in your life.
Sometimes it’s nice to be the central hub where family gathers, especially when your backyard is the beach. Not only does the beach entertain guests for you, but many memories can be made with such a fantastic backdrop.
Let’s keep this list going! Add in the comments sections your own additions to things you’ll only understand if you grew up near the beach.