14 Totally True Stereotypes Floridians Should Just Accept As Fact
There are a lot of stereotypes about Florida. If you want to live happily in the Sunshine State, it helps to know which ones are accurate and which ones aren’t. Here are a few stereotypes about Florida that are actually true:

We love our entire state, but we understand why people say South and North Florida could be two different states. Generally, the farther north you go in Florida, the more Southern it becomes.

We bundle up when the temperature drops below 70, and we definitely don't have a clue when it comes to ice or snow,. But we can all agree that we don't want to be anywhere near it.

It might be sunny one minute and raining the next, or even sunny and raining at the same time. You can't trust the weather report or the seemingly clear skies most of the time.

When you ask someone who has never been to Florida to describe the state, alligators are usually one of the first thing mentioned. Well, they're not wrong. You can bet that these reptiles are lurking in every lake, river, or pond, and sometimes in unexpected places, too.

It's not just hype. Floridians are really in love with this grocery chain that started in our state. Nothing beats a Pub sub for lunch or a cookie from the bakery.

We may not be able to handle cold, but we can handle heat and humidity better than most folks around the country. Most Floridians are used to the heat, and we know how to handle it.

You've probably heard someone talk about Florida roaches or "Palmetto Bugs" and how big they are. Yes, they're big, but the real problem is the fact that they can fly. Anything you don't want near you is ten times worse with wings.

The rest of the country might just be realizing this, but Floridians have long known how much of a real threat hurricanes are here. We love living here enough that we accept this as one of the few downsides.

Maybe it's the tropical climate, or the proximity to the beach, or our laid-back attitude, but for whatever reason, Floridians are world-class partiers.

Some people like to pretend like Florida isn't part of the "South," but the truth is there are plenty of authentic Southerners (and yes, rednecks) in the Sunshine State.

Maybe we're overcompensating for our lack of seasons, but Floridians tend to go all out with our Christmas decorations. We don't need snow to get in the holiday spirit.

Some people blame it on the snowbirds and tourists, and some people say even natives don't follow road rules. Either way, you have to admit driving in Florida can be a challenge.

Floridians and flip-flops go together like Texans and cowboy boots. No matter where you are or what time of year it is, don't be surprised to see folks wearing sandals.

If you're planning on visiting Florida, please just remove this phrase from your vocabulary. You'll make a lot more friends that way.
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