Just in case you were getting too much sleep at night, here are some creepy-crawlies you might want to keep an eye out for in our state, especially if you’re planning to spend some time outdoors.
1. Black Widow
This spider is one of the most notorious. It can be identified by the red hourglass on its abdomen. Its bite is rarely fatal anymore, but this is due to the wide availability of medical care. So, it is vital to seek medical attention if you suspect you've been bitten by a black widow. You may or may not feel the bite, but if bitten, symptoms will start with pain at the site and spread as cramping in the stomach and back. You may also experience nausea, fever, restlessness, sweating, headache, or tremors.
2. Cow Killer
The bright red "Eastern Velvet Ant" is actually a wasp with a vicious sting supposedly strong enough to kill a cow. It's definitely not something you want to test.
3. Southern Devil Scorpion
Though we usually think of scorpions as living in the desert, these scary looking critters prefer humidity. Their sting is not lethal unless you happen to be allergic, but it's nonetheless quite painful.
4. Deer Tick
These bloodthirsty pests are most infamous for spreading the debilitating Lyme disease, as well as several other diseases and parasites.
5. Brown Recluse
Although these spiders are not aggressive and only about half of the reported bites have been shown to cause serious harm, they can, in rare cases, cause serious harm or death. They prefer to make reclusive homes in loose piles of debris, but most contact with humans happens after they inhabit piles of clothing. A violin shape on its head can help identify the brown recluse, though it's not visible on every specimen.
6. American Carrion Beetle
These beetles play an icky, but necessary, role in the circle of life. Their adult and larval forms eat raw, decaying flesh. Gross, but important nonetheless.
7. Assassin Bug
These little critters earn their name by hunting other bugs and draining them of all their fluids. Yum?
8. Bald-Faced Hornet
These black wasps with white markings are known to aggressively defend their hanging paper nests by repeatedly stinging those who disturb them.
9. American Dog Tick
These creepy bloodsuckers can latch on to any warm-blooded mammal walking through the woods and spread nasty diseases through the bacteria they carry. The Deer Tick, however, is the primary culprit when it comes to spreading Lyme disease.
10. American Oil Beetle
When threatened, these beetles can omit a poisonous oily substance that causes blisters and painful swelling.
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