Visit Angel's Dining Car, The Small Town Diner In Florida That's Been Around Since The 1930s
By Ben Jones|Published June 16, 2021
Ben Jones
Ben Jones is at heart an adventurer who delights in inspiring others. A former reporter and photojournalist, he explored towns large and small as a Wisconsin correspondent for USA Today. He later became a lead photographer and senior copywriter for an award-winning destination marketing agency, before founding Boldland Creative, a company that produces photography, video, and other content for travel destinations. Jones has completed photography and content projects in more than 15 states and when he’s not looking through a camera or at his Macbook you’ll find him exploring the world’s lakes and forests.
When Angel’s Dining Car first began serving heaping plates of fried eggs, hash browns, and buttered toast, Herbert Hoover was still president and Henry Ford had just discontinued the Model A. A lot has changed since those days, but fortunately, Angel’s Dining Car is just as delicious as it was in 1932.
Angel’s is Florida’s oldest continuously run diner, an incredible accomplishment, and when you try the food, you’ll understand why it’s been so successful for so long.
Angel's Dining Car is located in Palatka, Pop. 10,000. Not much has changed at Angel's in the last 90 years, which suits the loyal fans of this place just fine.
Angel's is filled with classic diner decor and there's a stool waiting for you. The owners have no desire to mess with success—they consider themselves caretakers of this piece of culinary history.
There are six types of hand spun milkshakes on the menu. Angel's also serves its own house drink—the "pusalow," chocolate milk flavored with vanilla syrup poured over crushed ice.
Angel’s Dining Car is located about an hour south of Jacksonville and is well worth the drive. Still hungry? Here are 11 awesome Florida diners that will make you feel right ay home.
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