Nemours Is An Incredible Palace Hiding Right Here In Delaware
By Kim Magaraci|Published January 06, 2022
Kim Magaraci
Kim Magaraci graduated Rutgers University with a degree in Geography and has spent the last seven years as a freelance travel writer. Contact:
There’s no question that the DuPonts left their mark on Delaware – particularly in New Castle County. Did you know that you can tour Alfred I. du Pont’s French-style estate, Nemours? While many of us have been nearby, not everyone realizes that this quiet, hidden estate is open to the public.
You’ll want to plan to spend several hours exploring the seemingly endless acres here, so set aside at least half of your day for your visit.
Like most of the DuPont Estates, Nemours is closed for select weeks in the winter. Learn more and plan your visit on the Nemours Estate website, here.
Did you know that one of Delaware's most elaborate and ornate estates, Nemours, is now open to the public for tours?
You may have gussed that the design was inspired by gardens of Versailles, so that the du Ponts would feel like royalty even far from the shores of France.
The idea for the garden and estate was inspired by du Pont's second wife, Alicia. After all was said and done, the estate is home to the largest French formal garden in North America.
While Winterthur and Longwood Gardens draw most of the attention when it comes to du Pont estates, it's hard to believe that Nemours sits here like an undiscovered gem.