15 Iconic Places Every True Washingtonian Will Instantly Recognize
Washington DC is a memorable city. Whether you lived here for your whole life or just a few years, it’s a city that stays in your mind, for better or worse. And there are certain places that will instantly make you think of DC and maybe miss it or love it a bit more. These are the 15 iconic places in DC, including one best castles in the US! Some tourists and travelers will recognize these gems, and others are beloved local spots — but all are memorable.

The Watermelon is one of those perfectly quirky DC places. While tourists might not know what is, locals in DC love this funky residential home.

It's impossible to have a list of iconic DC sights without the Washington Monument on it! Whether you recognize from jogging back it every morning, playing kickball in front of it, or spotting it while you're sitting in traffic, this one is hard to miss.

The Big Chair in Anacostia is another beloved odd DC landmark. It was originally a furniture advertisement but has become a part of the Anacostia neighborhood.

In the middle of one of the busiest parts of DC sits a beautiful fountain. The Dupont Circle Fountain is a frequent meeting, lounging, or lunching spot for Washingtonians.

The Jefferson is another iconic place that Washingtonians and visitors alike will recognize. But it's also a place that holds true beauty and lasting meaning for the city.

The Madams Organ mural might be a sign for a bar but it's also a big part of DC culture. You can't wander into the Adams Morgan part of DC without noticing this lady's flaming red hair.

The Smithsonian is one of DC's few castles. The beautiful architecture and historical significance make this building an important part of DC culture.

There is a steep narrow staircase hidden in Georgetown made famous by one very scary movie. You may not notice it right away but you always recognize it when you see it.

The Lincoln Memorial might be talked about a little too much but if you see it at night, it's a memory that will never fade.

The statues of Nelson Mandela and Winston Churchill stand directly across the street from one another on Embassy Row, in front of their respective embassies. Washingtonians know there is a history behind their stances but it always looks like they are waving at one another.

The Chinatown neighborhood has definitely changed over the last few years but the Friendship Archway, in all its brightly colored glory, is one thing that has stayed the same.

The National Cathedral's mysterious and majestic gothic columns are a sight to see. Sitting high atop a hill in Cathedral Heights, its one of the highest points in DC.

The Memorial Bridge connects two of the most well-known places in the DC area: the Lincoln Memorial and Robert E. Lee's home. It's also a highly trafficked route during rush hour. Even if you're stuck in traffic, it's hard to ignore the beautiful views ahead in DC.

The Watergate is an infamous and iconic building. The complex is an imposing structure. Some Washingtonians remember when it was the heart of a major political scandal while other simply recognize it from history books.

Finally, The Pentagon. It's not in DC but everyone in DC knows it. The imposing building is the heart of many of Washingtonians activities, commutes, and lives.
Looking at this places, it’s easy to remember why DC is the most beautiful place in the country!
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