Weird is a relative term but Washington DC is a little bit of a weird town. Full of transients, passion and more opinions that you can count, DC is full of quirks. After you’ve lived here long enough, you start to say, do and believe some things that the rest of the world might find, well, a little weird. Here are 13 weird things people from Washington DC do. Let’s see how many you do!
1. Spend the majority of our time wearing business attire.
5. You debate absolutely everything. From the best beer in the city to the latest Supreme Court ruling to the best show on Netflix, we can't help but debate everything.
8. Don’t even blink at the secret service, FBI agents and security you see on a regular basis. We also don’t blink at going through security and metal detectors every day.
10. Never stop believing that our sports teams will be good even though they always break our hearts. Caps are going to win the Stanley Cup this year. Just you wait.
11. Be able to list at least 10 different great brunch places and happy hour specials. We’ll debate these lists too but we always have a list of great brunches and happy hours at the top of our minds.
Everyone in the country seems to want to say that DC is broken but we know it’s not. We know the government is not perfect but we also know Washington DC is full of hardworking, fun loving, and good people.