12 Things You Quickly Learn When You Move To Connecticut
By Taylor Ellis|Published March 21, 2017
Taylor Ellis
Taylor Ellis grew up in southern Connecticut. She is a social boss who has worked with several major sites and brands. Follow her at taylorellisblogger.com
When you move to Connecticut, you’ll want classic New England architecture to go with it. If you move during the summer, you’ll probably ask, “Where’s the beach?” And that’s where things get interesting. Connecticut is a unique place and is almost never what people expect. So if you’re new in town, here are some things you’ll probably pick up on. If you’ve been here forever, you’ve probably had to explain some of this to a newcomer.
1. We're on the Long Island Sound, not the Atlantic Ocean.
If you were dreaming of a lively surf scene, warm waters, or soft sand beaches then think again. Those are scattered about the state if you're willing to do the research, but what you'll most likely encounter are rocky shorelines and deathly still waters. That's why boating is a big pastime here.
Used to be a Nebraskan? Well you're a...person from Connecticut now. Nutmegger, Connecticotian, Yankee, who knows! Anything's possible and everything goes. You'll rarely hear natives refer to themselves as anything, though you may hear a sarcastic "Good old Connecticut" from time to time.
3. The package store is not some weird nickname for the post office.
So don't think your new friend is moving away when they mention it. When someone says they're going on a packy run that means they're going to get alcohol. But this isn't statewide, so make sure they say it first. Otherwise, there could be some confusion.
As the inventor of the original cheeseburger, Connecticut takes pride in the innovative steamed cheeseburger. Less greasy and twice as cheesy, this burger is quite delicious.
If you live in Connecticut, you like the Huskies. The school pride is infectious and they're continued dominance in basketball makes them easy to root for. Your kids will likely have a number of teachers who went there and that's where the indoctrination begins, so you can kiss your alma mater goodbye.
This thin, crispy crust pizza can only be found in Connecticut. A lot of the state favorite pizzerias serve up this style, whether it's wood fired or coal fired.
Spring barely happens some years, summer is too hot to be comfortable and winter is just rough. But in Autumn folks come from all over the country to witness the Connecticut foliage and there are plenty of events and activities that celebrate the season.
The Quiet Corner, with its vast countryside is a far cry from the large waterfront estates of the Gold Coast and commuter population. Folks to the East are nothing like those to the West. It's almost scary how different the residents are, despite living in one state.
12. One does not simply move to Connecticut.
Taylor Ellis/Only In Your State
That pretty much sums it up. Prepare for dramatic season changes, expensive living and arguably the best food of your life.
Thinking of the magical day when you move to Connecticut and experience this firsthand? Or did we completely scare you off?