An unexplained knock or ratlle probably isn’t enough to give you goosebumps, but add objects moving without explaination or a ghostly figure appearing and you will probably get a chill down your spine. Connecticut has quite a few ghost stories lingering around, whether from legend or from reality, in some cases it’s hard to say. Here are six hauntings said to be true in the Nutmeg State.
The Ledge Lighthouse is said to be haunted by the spirit of a former keeper who tended the light sometime between 1909 when the structure was built and 1939 when the light became automated. The ghost, "Ernie," appears as a tall bearded man wearing a rain slicker. In addition to the ghostly sightings, many on duty claimed to have seen cups moving around by themselves, sheets flying off of the bed, radios turning on and off and the foghorn sounding of its own accord.
This inn was originally built as a private home by Captain William Grant in 1754. Several generations of the family lived there through time but it is also noted that soldiers were garrisoned there during the Revolutionary War and escaped slaves were sheltered in the home during the Civil War. In the 1990s, the building underwent some major renovations and now features numerous named rooms for guests. Most of the hauntings appear to take place in Adelaide's Room. Guests have reported incidents such as the appearance of a ghostly woman holding the hands of two children and unexplained knocking and noises. The television has reportedly turned itself on and off and the shower curtain has also fallen to the floor without cause. Captain Grant's Inn has sure had its fair share of media attention. Over the years it's been featured on television programs and listed as a haunted inn by USA Today.
This cemetery is one of the oldest surviving in North America, so it's not suprising that it may actually be haunted. The first person was buried in 1644 and hundreds have been buried since then. The haunting is not attributed to any particular person or event but there have been reports of a ghostly woman wearing a white dress. She roams the cemetary at night. Is she looking for something or someone?
This house in East Hartford was built by Edmund Bemont in 1761 and the family resided in it for nearly 100 years. The house then passed from one owner to another and through all that time, there were no recoreded mysterious deaths or murders. When the house was turned over to the historical society and it was moved from its original location to Martin Park, it seems some spirits were stirred up. The workers completing the renovations first reported unexplained tappings, scratching and bangs and nicknamed the spirit Benny. The other ghostly figure is named The Blue Lady and has been seen in the windows of the house. Lucky for all, these ghosts seem to be friendly.
The oldest continuously operating amusement park in the United States is bound to have some history to it. According to legend, John Compound, a Native American cheiftan who traded the property to white settlers in 1684 met an untimely death. One story says that his tribe murdered him for releasing the sacred land and another story has him drowning in the lake when he tried to cross it in a large brass kettle. Whether the haunting at Lake Compounce is caused by the spirit of the chieftan or spirits of park goers that have died is unknown. People have reported mysterious lights, objects moving freely from one place to another, strange music playing after hours and the echoes of voices from the past. More often than not, park goers report enjoying the amusement park for all that it has to offer.
Abigail's Grille & Wine Bar, formerly Pettibone Tavern is rumored to be inhabited by a female ghost. The tale surrounds Abigail Pettibone who was the wife of a whaling captain. Her husband was away at sea for long periods of time and Abigail supposedly took up with another man. They are discovered together when the husband comes home early and he kills them both with an axe. People have claimed to see the ghostly Abigail floating around the tavern. In addition, wine bottles fly off shelves, furniture slides across the floor and some employees have heard their names being called by unsourced voices.
Have you ever visited any of these places? Did you hear anything strange or see anything out of the ordinary? Or do you have a different haunting you would like to share?