For More Than A Century, The Wealthy Have Flocked To This Luxurious Connecticut Town
By Lisa Sammons|Published January 24, 2023
Lisa Sammons
Lisa loves animals and has dogs, rats, cats, guinea pigs, and snakes. She is passionate about animal rescue and live music - traveling across the country to see a favorite band is a pretty regular occurrence! Being out hiking in the woods enjoying the scenery with her beloved dogs is another favorite hobby, and also checking out the Pokemon Go scene in whatever city she happens to be in at any given time (coffee and dog leash in hand). You can reach Lisa at
To outsiders, Connecticut has something of a reputation as a luxurious place. People often think of the state as a preppy region where everyone wears polo shirts and boat shoes on their 160-foot superyachts. Those who have spent a lot of time here know that like every other state, Connecticut has wealthy areas and more impoverished ones. However, it is true that overall, the Nutmeg State is richer than most. Actual ranking depends on what metrics are used, but in general, Connecticut ranks within the five wealthiest states in the country. And out of all the towns in Connecticut, none are wealthier than Greenwich in Fairfield County. The town has attracted the rich and famous for over a century.
The town is home to two of the wealthiest ZIP codes in the country. It's close to Manhattan and also has a relatively low tax rate, making it an attractive home base for the rich.
Last year, Greenwich's median home listing price was an astronomical $2.3 million. The neighborhood of Belle Haven boasts some of the most valuable residential homes in the entire world.
Take a walk through the more luxurious areas of town and you'll see plenty of evidence of the high average wealth here. There are plenty of stores like Tiffany And Co. whose names are synonymous with wealth.