The Stories Behind This Connecticut Park Will Haunt Your Dreams
Every Connecticut park is unique but this one is about more than scenic views and mountain trails. Beyond its picturesque looks is a dark history and a lot of rumors. The worst part? Nobody knows how true any of the stories actually are, but they’ve persisted for nearly a century. You’ll have to decide for yourself if this place is a natural sanctuary or just plain bad luck.

This place only became a park in 2002, but the stories are much older. The remains of waterpower, railroad, worker residential and factory structures can all be found inside of this park. In fact, centuries of land-use history are here. So who knows how many spirits may be lingering.

Some hikers have noted the peculiar way in which the trees grow here. In some stretches along the path they appear to grow in a suspiciously straight line, as if planted, and some report stumbling across a fairy ring. That's a large circular patch of land where no trees grow, thought to be the product of supernatural beings dancing at night. But to find those you'd have to step off the beaten path. So you're probably safe. Right?

You can step beyond the trees, and find yourself standing on the edge of a cliff above the Housatonic. Some people have fallen over the years, though it's unclear what the official count is. When you visit, you may see small memorials to those who were lost. Some stories say that the spirits of people who fell push the living over the edge. Others say that the heartbroken are drawn here.

Anyone could be drawn to these gorgeous natural sites though, especially in the autumn season. But keep the romance out of it! If you propose here and your partner says no, you'll be driven to jump. Some people have amped up the story and added that you may be haunted by the laughter of Lillinonah if you're turned down, who will eventually convince you to walk into the river and never return.

She was the daughter of a local Native American leader who fell madly in love with an Englishman. Shortly after they were married, he took a business trip, promising to return within a day. When he didn't return as promised, Lillinonah went mad with grief and rode her canoe over the falls, just as he was finally returning. Her husband jumped in after her, ultimately drowning along side her. Some say there was no canoe and she simply jumped from the bridge.

The park is full of beautiful sights, from the birds hiding in the bushes, to the ivy climbing up the tree trunks. This place may be haunted by the disappointed, or cursed by the broken hearted, but it's still a great place for a hike. That is, if the stories don't get to you.
Did you love this Connecticut park? Well then you’ll love exploring the remnants of this abandoned theme park. Enter if you dare!
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