Taylor Ellis grew up in southern Connecticut. She is a social boss who has worked with several major sites and brands. Follow her at taylorellisblogger.com
Lantern Hill in North Stonington has an elevation of just 491 feet, but makes up for it in its uniqueness. This hill made the Hartford Courant’s list of “Six Great Heights In Connecticut” because of its stunning views. See for yourself!
The small town of North Stonington appears small and quiet, but it hides big opportunity to catch spectacular views. That means great photos!
You can catch a view of Mashantucket Pequot Casino Resort from the granite and white quartz summit, as well as views of Fisher's Island and the Atlantic Ocean.
You'll also be able to see some cool rock formations and tree structures along the heavily shaded trail. Plus you'll be experiencing history as you walk the trail that was once set ablaze with tar to warn residents that the British were coming.