There's No Better Place To Spend Your Summer Than These 6 Hidden Connecticut Spots
By Lisa Sammons|Published August 17, 2021
Lisa Sammons
Lisa loves animals and has dogs, rats, cats, guinea pigs, and snakes. She is passionate about animal rescue and live music - traveling across the country to see a favorite band is a pretty regular occurrence! Being out hiking in the woods enjoying the scenery with her beloved dogs is another favorite hobby, and also checking out the Pokemon Go scene in whatever city she happens to be in at any given time (coffee and dog leash in hand). You can reach Lisa at
Summer’s great, but sometimes the usual places can get a little over-populated. Have you ever gone to the water to relax but found your quiet day ruined by too many nearby beach-goers? It’s a frustrating situation, and one that likely left you wishing you had chosen somewhere a little more tucked away. Lucky for you, enjoying your summer in Connecticut is a piece of cake. The Constitution State has plenty of spots with more than enough space for you to enjoy a relaxed day by the water and feel miles away from everyone.