As a general rule, graveyards are pretty creepy. Union Cemetery in Easton is more than creepy. Some say the almost 400-year-old burial ground is actually the most haunted place in Connecticut. Read on at your own risk; the stories about this place might keep you up at night.
Over the years, many have reported seeing orbs, feeling an unexplained presence, or picking up EVPs.
Union Cemetery's haunted reputation grew after renowned ghost hunters Ed and Lorraine Warren wrote a whole book about it, entitled Graveyard: True Hauntings from an Old New England Cemetery.
The White Lady may be even more famous than Red Eyes. Those who have seen her describe a woman with long, dark hair wearing a white nightgown and bonnet. According to rumors, she has a great sense of humor.
She's usually spotted along the road near the cemetery. She jumps out in front of cars, making the driver think they hit someone. When the driver gets out of the car to see what happened, she's gone.
Some investigators speculate the White Lady is the ghost of a woman who was killed in the 1940s. Others claim she's a mourning mother searching for her long lost daughter.
We’ll probably never know the real story behind the White Lady. Are you brave enough to visit Union Cemetery to investigate? Have you ever seen the White Lady yourself? Let us know in the comments!