The Dog-Friendly Brewery In Connecticut That Just Might Be Your New Favorite Hangout
By Lisa Sammons|Published July 06, 2023
Lisa Sammons
Lisa loves animals and has dogs, rats, cats, guinea pigs, and snakes. She is passionate about animal rescue and live music - traveling across the country to see a favorite band is a pretty regular occurrence! Being out hiking in the woods enjoying the scenery with her beloved dogs is another favorite hobby, and also checking out the Pokemon Go scene in whatever city she happens to be in at any given time (coffee and dog leash in hand). You can reach Lisa at
If you’re one of the many Nutmeg State residents who owns and loves a dog, it’s likely that you’re always on the hunt for dog-friendly places in Connecticut that you can enjoy with your four-legged friends. After all, dogs are man’s best friend, and if your dog is sociable and well-behaved enough to be out in public, it’s all the more reason to bring him to a fun spot where he can have just as great of a time as you do. Nowadays, it seems like many dog-friendly breweries are popping up all over the country, and we have several great ones in Connecticut. One of our favorites is Bad Dog Brewing Co. in Torrington, CT. Check it out:
Bad Dog Brewing Co. is a small-batch brewery in Torrington that focuses on giving back to the community. Fundraisers are regularly held for various local charities, including animal shelters, and an effort is made to reduce waste whenever possible.
Since this is a historic building, every effort was made to maintain the atmosphere when renovating it to create the brewery. The flight holders are actually made from wood that was salvaged from the firehouse during the remodeling process.
This is a spacious place, with opportunities to engage in various activities. It's a family-friendly spot and you'll find a great variety of people here, from dog owners to couples on dates to families with kids.