Sandwiched between Massachusetts and the New York metro area, visitors might be tempted to think Connecticut just picks up slang from both places. We know Connecticut has a language of its own. Here’s its dictionary:
1. Connecticutians doesn't really have a ring to it, does it? That's why we call ourselves "Nutmeggers," after Connecticut's unofficial nickname "The Nutmeg State."
5. In Connecticut, a grinder isn't an app or something to mill coffee with. Okay, maybe it's both of those things. But, first and foremost, it's a sandwich.
8. Are we bitter over the fact that Long Island got naming rights over the sound that separates Long Island and Connecticut? Whether we are or we aren't, we just call it "the sound."
Be warned: outside of Connecticut, people don’t understand our language. Have you ever tried using these expressions out of state? If you moved here from somewhere else, were you confused by Nutmegger’s language when you first arrived? Share in the comments!