If you enjoy gambling and nightlife, you may have already discovered historic Cripple Creek, Colorado: A mini Las Vegas complete with world-class casinos, food, and lodging options. While it is a hotspot for gaming, there is even more to do and love about this famous Colorado casino town. Here is why:
Welcome to Cripple Creek, "Where gold is found below, above, and within!"
Founded in 1892, Cripple Creek is a former gold-mining camp that is situated at the base of Pikes Peak and - over the years - turned out a whopping $500M in gold and other precious ore.
Like many mining towns of its time, once the ores dried up, so did the population; however, Coloradans and tourists alike would continue visiting what remained of Cripple Creek, which, in the early 1990s, inspired voters to turn it into a gambling town.
While there are 9 different world-class casinos that you can visit during your trip to Cripple Creek, there is even more to see, do, and love, beginning with shopping and dining around unique boutiques and restaurants.
With a historic town comes several historical sites and attractions a la the 100+-year-old Butte Theater, Cripple Creek District Museum, Outlaws and Lawmen Jail Museum, and the Mollie Kathleen Gold Mine.