It’s beginning to feel like late fall here in Colorado, but you know what’s great? By this time next week, temperatures will probably climb back into the 60s and it will be time again to get outside and take a hike! Once the earth thaws, we recommend hitting the ground running (err, hiking) by taking this unique Colorado trail that leads you to plane wreckage from 1943:
Please note, Old Sawmill Trail has been closed since October 2020 due to wildfire.
Located near Bellvue is the Old Sawmill Trail; a nearly 6-mile out-and-back trail that offers fresh air and wide open spaces...
After leaving its base in Rapid City, South Dakota is 1943, the plane mysteriously crashed in Northern Colorado, instantly killing all 8 of its passengers who were on the plane for a training.
While cleanup crews picked up much of the debris left from the accident, several parts still remain, making for one of Colorado's most intriguing hikes.