You seem stressed… are you up for a little rest and relaxation? In this day and age, peace can be hard to come by, which is why we are happy to report that the Centennial State is THE place to be, as our very own Fort Collins was just named one of the most relaxing cities in America.
As per the study, which is comprised of nearly 200 of the biggest U.S. cities and 57 "key indicators of a zen atmosphere," Fort Collins is the 8th most relaxing city in America, thanks to a high overall score that factors in mental, physical, and financial health.
According to the list, Fort Collins not only ranks higher in terms of all of the above but comes in at the top of a few other categories like Highest Leisure Physical Activity Rate (#2) and Highest Adequate-Sleep Rate (#1).
Which cities are more relaxing than Fort Collins? According to LawnStarter, Garden Grove, California (#7), Bellevue, Washington (#4), and Sunnyvale, California (#1, pictured) are the creme de la creme in terms of peaceful living.
While Fort Collins made the top 10, a few other Colorado cities also appeared on the top 50, including Colorado Springs (#35) and Denver (#38, pictured).
Established as an Army outpost in 1864, Fort Collins is the largest and fastest-growing community in Northern Colorado and boasts such attractions as Colorado State University and Old Town.