Year after year, we report that Colorado was once again named one of the most moved to states in the country, and year after year, we receive a mixed response from locals who are tired of overcrowding and an astronomical cost of living. This year, we come bearing different news, as Colorado remains one of the most moved to states in the country, but this time it is also ranked as one that is moved away from the most:
According to - which specializes in connecting people with moving supplies, companies, and trucks - Colorado remains one of the top growing states in the country but, due to the pandemic and high cost of living, is also seeing more people leave than ever before.
As per's State of Moving in 2020: Moving Stats and the Impact of COVID-19, "California, New York, Texas, Florida, Illinois, Washington, and Colorado may have lost more residents than other states, but they also gained more new residents than other states," adding that North Carolina, Arizona, and Georgia also saw a healthy increase in residents.
Why would anyone want to leave a state as beautiful as Colorado (which ranked number 4 as the most moved to state and number 9 in most moved from states)? According to the survey - which polled 700 Americans ages 18 and up - the biggest reasons are affordable housing and income loss, which accounted for nearly 42% of the pollsters.
In addition to income and housing, 36% of survey participants also cited involuntary work-related moves, with another 38% acknowledging health concerns amidst the Covid-19 pandemic.
While there were no demographics for Colorado specifically, "State of Moving in 2020" also shared the general ages of those who moved this year, with ages 25 to 34 accounting for the majority (33%), followed by 35 to 44 (32%), and 18 to 24 (17%).