Are you looking for something new and exciting to do while keeping your distance from others and staying healthy? While our options are somewhat limited, Coloradans do have access to more beautiful drives than we can count, including the exciting and sometimes white-knuckle Million Dollar Highway:
Spanning Montrose, Colorado to Bernalillo, New Mexico is the seemingly ordinary U.S. Route 550, which is home to one of the most dangerous drives in Colorado: the Million Dollar Highway.
Running a mere 25 miles, the Million Dollar Highway may sound like it has priceless, must-see views, but actually earned its nickname from Silverton residents and other locals, who are quoted as saying you could not pay them a million dollars to drive on the road during or after a snowstorm.
What makes the Million Dollar Highway so dangerous and scary? It is thanks to its rail-less cliffs and sharp twists and turns, which have taken many people's lives since the inception of the road.
Constructed in the late 1800s as a way to connect Ouray and Ironton, the Million Dollar Highway and its infamous mountain passes have even garnered national attention, making USA Today's list of the World's Most Dangerous Roads.