Mr. Rogers once said that “Play is the work of childhood,” and we couldn’t agree more, which is why we are always excited to introduce our readers to new places to take their kids to play! Today, that place is Kids Wonder, a massive indoor playground in Colorado that kids of all ages will enjoy:
Located in Centennial, Kids Wonder is just that - a place where children can play, explore, and learn!
Billed as being " South Denver Metro's ONLY Intentional Play Center Dedicated to the Physical, Intellectual, Social, and Emotional Development of Children 0-8," Kids Wonder offers numerous open and hands-on play for kids, beginning with space for toddlers a la soft climbing and play equipment, playhouses, and a bounce house.
Children learn by doing, which is where the adorable Lil'Town and its miniature school, grocery store, theater, fire station, and veterinary office all come into play (no pun intended).
If the kids need to burn off energy, there is no better place than Whole Body Play: an expansive room chock-full of giant blocks and large inflatables.
In addition to thinking about the kids, Kids Wonder considered their grown-ups, too, which is why they included comfortable seating, areas with exercise equipment, free wifi, and even adult beverages!