You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen; Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen… but do you recall that the Centennial State is actually home to its own reindeer farm?! Now that you do, you will want to be sure to visit this enchanting Colorado reindeer farm before Santa and his magical fleet take flight this Christmas eve:
Hiding out in Idaho Springs is the surprising and delightful Laughing Valley Ranch, which "celebrates the heritage of the American old west and magic of the Christmas spirit in the heart of the Colorado Rocky Mountains."
Home to herds of many domesticated and exotic animals, the Laughing Valley Ranch is a true haven for both animals and humans alike, hosting numerous hands-on events throughout the year.
While most everything that the Laughing Valley Ranch has to offer is unforgettable, the most beloved aspect of all may just be that of Santa's Southern Reindeer Ranch in the Rockies, which is hosted at the ranch each holiday season.
"Nothing is more magical during the holiday season than the marvel in the eyes of young and old when they see real live reindeer in person," states the Laughing Ranch, which also rents their reindeer out for special events, parties, and parades.