The Centennial State knows how to do parks, whether it be recreational, state, or national! While we could gush about our incredible park system all day, every day, today’s article is focusing on one historical park, in particular, that may just be one of Colorado’s best-kept secrets… and wait until you see why:
Located in - you guessed it! - Frisco, the Frisco Historic Park & Museum is different from most other parks you have visited, as it offers guests a unique opportunity to travel back in time, beginning with its 10 on-site buildings.
Incorporated in 1880, the Town of Frisco was built during the Colorado Silver Boom and quickly grew to include not only homes but numerous businesses that are now housed at the Historic Park & Museum.
When you visit today, you will have a chance to explore some of these original 19th-century buildings, including the original schoolhouse and jail, plus homes, cabins, and even a ranch.