Colorado is truly a mecca for incredible natural wonders… but natural wonders with a story as colorful as the landmarks themselves? Yep, we got those, too! Take, for example, this gorgeous natural wonder that comes complete with its own historic legend:
Located along southwestern Colorado's Ute Mountains lies the easy-to-recognize Sleeping Ute, a series of peaks situated near the northern edge of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Reservation.
Thanks to its location near such popular spots as the Four Corners Monument and Mesa Verde National Park, the Sleeping Ute has become a state icon, not only as an area marker and place to photograph, but also...
As if the aforementioned wasn't reason enough to visit, the Sleeping Ute also holds an important part of both state history and culture, with the mountain range running alongside the Ute Mountain Reservation, which is home to the descendants of the historic Colorado Weeminuche Band.
As per Ute Indian legend, the Sleeping Ute Mountain is the shape it is because it resembles a Great Warrior God who fell asleep while recovering from a battle injury, only to turn into a rocky form whose open wounds became rivers.