11 Phrases That Will Make You Swear Coloradans Have Their Own Language
You know how it is when best friends have an inside joke that they seem to think is hilarious, but NOBODY else understands? It is kind of the same way with different areas and their slang/phrases. To give you an example, check out these 11 phrases and words that may sound normal to a Coloradan, but like gibberish to everyone else:

Now I know what you non-Coloradans are thinking... WTF is a 14er? A 14er is a mountain that boasts an elevation of at least 14,000 feet, of course (and MAD kudos to those of you who have conquered one)!

He sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when you’re awake, and he knows which flight you’re getting ready to board because he stands guard over DIA (Denver International Airport)... those who visit and pass DIA think he is just your average 32-foot tall, 9,000 pound bronco with piercing red eyes, but those of us from here know him as the 32-foot tall, 9,000 pound bronco with piercing red eyes who crushed his sculptor to death. (True story.)

Okay, so a true Coloradan has probably never used this sentence, but cut me some slack as I needed to find a way to combine the terms LoDo (Lower Downtown) and Rox (Colorado Rockies)!
"In the Rockpile."

Hey, the Rockpile seats may not be the best (and may be hella uncomfortable), but they are only $4 a pop and offer a complimentary sunburn... err, tan.

Also known as "son of a *****" and "**********," the Mousetrap is the TERRIBLE spot where I-25 meets I-70. (Do NOT attempt this stretch during rush hour... just don't do it.)

Injured in an auto accident? Before you do ANYTHING (like call your insurance, an ambulance, etc.), you better call Frank "The Strong Arm" Azar, who is open 24/7 and is now the official law partner of the Denver Broncos.

When it comes to buying cars, nobody beats a Dealin’ Doug deal, nobody (but on the off chance that someone does, his grandson will just give you that 1994 Ford Explorer).

This isn't a term that is widely used in 2017 (thank goodness), but back in the day, Coloradans referred to our native frost-brewed Coors as "Colorado Kool-Aid." (Good one, mom and dad!)

If Disneyland is the happiest place on earth, Fort Collins (or FoCo) must be the second happiest, as Disney's iconic Main Street U.S.A. is actually modeled after beautiful Old Town (pictured)!

Moving from northern Colorado to south, the Springs is our endearing nickname for Colorado Springs, which is the second most populous city in the state. (Pictured is the stunning America the Beautiful Park; a must-visit for the family this summer!)

Our last Colorado term isn't necessarily a stationary word (granola = a free spirit, left-leaning, au naturel kinda guy or girl), but refers to one group of Coloradans in particular: Boulderites.
How many of these do you use? Let us know!
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