Are you a Colorado native who thinks they know everything there is to know about the Centennial State? Well, did you know that Coloradoans invented two of the greatest foods known to man? Or that we were the first to enact women’s suffrage by popular referendum? It’s true! There are even more Colorado firsts that you may be unaware of, so read on to learn about Colorado’s pioneering ways.
Denver withdrew its offer to host the 1976 Winter Olympics after Colorado voters rejected a $5 million bond issue to fund the games. The citizens of Colorado voted to make it a violation of Colorado's constitution for state funds to be allocated toward the event.
Among the things invented in Colorado, the root beer float is arguably one of the tastiest. The root beer float was invented by a Colorado man who thought the snow on top of Cow Mountain looked like ice cream floating in pop.
The World's First Rodeo was held on July 4th, 1869, in Deer Trail, Colorado. While other states such as New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas claim to have hosted the first rodeo, Deer Trail, Colorado is recognized by the Pro-Rodeo Hall of Fame, the Colorado State Legislature, the History Channel, and the Guinness Book of World Records for being the first rodeo in the world on official records.
5. The cheeseburger was officially trademarked in Colorado.
The trademark for the name "cheeseburger" was given to Louis Ballast in 1935. Among things Colorado was first to do, we can all thank Louis Ballast of Humpty-Dumpty Barrel Restaurant in Denver, Colorado for trademarking this delicious and iconic American menu item.
Colorado voted to allow medical marijuana sales in the year 2000, and then, along with Washington, became one of the first two states to legalize recreational marijuana in 2012.
7. Residents of Colorado were the first to be able to drop their phones without worries.
Among the things Colorado did first, this may officially be the tastiest. The first Chipotle opened in Denver on July 13, 1993, and has become a beloved nationwide food staple, vastly growing in popularity ever since.
Colorado is best known for many things, such as its iconic Rocky Mountains and its bustling Mile High City. Here are some other things the Centennial State is well known for:
Leadville is the highest city in the U.S. (10,430 feet in elevation)
"Rodeo Capital of the World" - First rodeo was held in Deerfield, Colorado
Over 500 ghost towns
The first Stegosaurus fossils were found outside of Grand Junction, Colorado
Home of the world's largest alligator farm
Among the first two states to legalize recreational marijuana