If you are anything like my family, you have probably already decorated your festive Costco gingerbread house and have it displayed somewhere up high where your toddlers cannot reach it… right? Apparently us families are not the only ones to partake in this holiday tradition, as this iconic Colorado hotel has also decorated their slightly larger gingerbread house:
Located inside the walls of the beautiful and extravagant Broadmoor Resort...
Started in the mid-Twentieth Century, this Colorado Christmas tradition has continued to grow through the years in terms of not only popularity, but also themes, pastry chefs, and ingredients.
Modeled after the historic Pauline Chapel, this year's Broadmoor gingerbread house is a 12-foot-tall, 150-square-foot masterpiece that consists of a whopping 958 pounds of powdered sugar, 650 eggs, and 164 pounds of dark chocolate, making for a 3.7 million-calorie work-of-art!
Folks; you have to see this Hansel and Gretel-esque house in person, as the staff of 10 pastry chefs and 2 carpenters did not skimp on any of the details!
The Broadmoor is located at 1 Lake Ave in Colorado Springs. For more information on the gingerbread house and/or resort, please visit the Broadmoor's website.