The One Paranormal Festival In Arkansas That Will Spook You Into Oblivion
By J.B. VanDyke|Published September 28, 2017
J.B. VanDyke
J.B. Weisenfels has lived in rural Arkansas for three decades. She is a writer, a mom, and a graduate student. She is also an avid collector of tacky fish whatnots, slightly chipped teapots, and other old things. In her spare time she enjoys driving to the nearest creek to sit a while. If you were to visit her, she'd try to feed you cornbread.
The haunted season is upon us. October, the month of Halloween and fall color, is on the way shortly, and you’ll probably want to stack your schedule with spooky events. Street fairs and costume contests are about to be coming to a Main Street near you, but there’s another festival you might not have heard of. That festival is called the Arkansas Paranormal Expo. If you’re looking to hear some spooky stories or simply commiserate with people who share your hobbies, you can’t do better than this event.
This year the festival is happening on October 7 and October 8. You can learn more about the festival on their website.
The Arkansas Paranormal Expo happens at the MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History. It is a benefit for that museum.
In the booths at the expo, you’ll find believers of every variety. If you want to know more about bigfoot (around these parts we call him the Fouke Monster), you’ll find a table there where you can learn all about the mythical creature.
The expo isn’t only booths. They also have all kinds of speakers for the event. Ranging from psychics to folklorists to bigfoot researchers to paranormal investigators, the roster of speakers will dazzle you.