17 Things Everyone Who's Moved Away From Arkansas Has Thought At Least Once
By J.B. VanDyke|Published January 20, 2017
J.B. VanDyke
J.B. Weisenfels has lived in rural Arkansas for three decades. She is a writer, a mom, and a graduate student. She is also an avid collector of tacky fish whatnots, slightly chipped teapots, and other old things. In her spare time she enjoys driving to the nearest creek to sit a while. If you were to visit her, she'd try to feed you cornbread.
Like many people, I find myself having a lot of thoughts when I’m away from my home state. Thoughts like “Why didn’t that stranger smile back?” and “What is this patent absurdity that they are daring to call sweet tea?” People who move away from Arkansas have similar feelings, except more often and with more homesickness. Below you’ll find a list of 17 things everyone who has moved away from Arkansas has thought at least once, but more than likely millions and millions of times. These thoughts are perfectly normal, but it’s fine with us if y’all all want to move back home.