Don't Drive On These 10 Haunted Streets In Arkansas
We’ve previously mentioned Arkansas ghosts you might come across in houses, on school campuses, and in theaters, but did you know Arkansas is home to several allegedly haunted streets? There have been reports of hauntings and paranormal activity by those who have ventured down these Arkansas roads and across these bridges – and what they had to say might creep you out a little bit or at least give you something to think about when passing these places during your travels. Here’s our list of some of the most haunted streets in Arkansas. Are you brave enough to take the drive?

If you do happen to find yourself near one of the most haunted streets in Arkansas, don’t worry. We’re sure it’s all just legend and folklore…right? You’ll be sure to have a full tank of gas near these places regardless, surely! Have you been around these areas and experienced anything a little strange? Sound off in the comments!
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most haunted streets in Arkansas
What are the most haunted places in Arkansas?
Arkansas is ripe with haunted buildings and reports of paranormal experiences. One of the most haunted places in The Natural State is the Crescent Hotel and Spa in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Built in 1886 as a resort for the rich and famous, the hotel has seen many different facades including a college for women, a summer hotel, a hospital, and even a health resort. Many psychic mediums and paranormal investigators have investigated the hotel and believe the hotel is some type of portal to the other side.
What are the most popular ghost stories in Arkansas?
One of the most passed around ghost stories in Arkansas is that of the Phantom of the King Opera House in Van Buren, Arkansas. In the late 19th century, an actor fell in love with the daughter of a prominent town doctor, who disapproved of their relationship. The two made plans to run away together, who were met at the Van Buren Train Depot by the young girl’s father, who whipped the boy to death. Several former employees at the opera house have reported feeling like they are not alone, often feeling like someone is in the room with them. Others have even reported seeing the ghost of the young actor, dressed in a top hat and a Victorian-style coat, searching the theater for his true love.
Are there any haunted restaurants or bars in Arkansas?
If you’re looking to share a spirit with a spirit, look no further than the Four Quarter Bar, one of the most haunted bars in Arkansas. This Little Rock watering hole opened in 2016, but the building is one of the oldest in the city. In the early 1900s, the building operated at a brothel, and as legend goes, the owner was in love with a prostitute that worked there, but she fell in love with another man enraging the owner. In a fit of blind rage, he slit her throat and threw her off the balcony. In a very karmic turn of events, the owner met the exact same fate years later, when he got into an argument with a patron, who slit his throat and threw him off the balcony as well. Many people have reported seeing the ghostly apparition of a young woman wearing period clothing roaming around, and employees have reported that it’s not uncommon for things to disappear, move on their own, or shatter unexpectedly.