18 Lessons The Rest Of The Country Could Learn From Arkansas
By J.B. VanDyke|Published July 05, 2016
J.B. VanDyke
J.B. Weisenfels has lived in rural Arkansas for three decades. She is a writer, a mom, and a graduate student. She is also an avid collector of tacky fish whatnots, slightly chipped teapots, and other old things. In her spare time she enjoys driving to the nearest creek to sit a while. If you were to visit her, she'd try to feed you cornbread.
As evidenced by our explosive holiday earlier this week, we are proud of our country. Well, we Arkansans are proud of our state, too, and we can definitely teach our 49 brothers and sisters some valuable lessons. For lessons the rest of America should learn from us, check out these 18 points of natural state pride.