11 Ways You Can Always Spot Someone From Arizona… No Matter Where They Are
By Monica Spencer|Published March 08, 2016
Monica Spencer
Monica is a Diné (Navajo) freelance writer and photographer based in the Southwest. Born in Gallup and raised in Phoenix, she is Tódich'ii'nii (Bitter Water People) and Tsi'naajinii (Black Streak Wood People). Monica is a staff writer for Only In Your State, photo editor for The Mesa Legend, and previously a staff writer for The Navajo Post. You can reach her at monica.d.spencer@gmail.com.
Think that person you spot at an out-of-state burger joint or on a cruise may be from Arizona? Here are a few clues that may point you in the right direction:
1. They have tan lines, both intentional and not. When you live somewhere with this much daily sunshine, it's difficult to avoid.